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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Remarks On The Theory And Treatment Of (Pathological) Administration's of Enjoyment

    Moreover, Rik Loose has applied the same impressive rigour to the challenge of a similar interpretation With this theory Rik Loose introduces a new concept: 'administration'. References * Paul Verhaeghe was one of the invited speakers on the occasion of the launch of Rik Loose's Since his comments were an elaboration of those in his foreword to Rik Loose's work he has agreed to Our thanks to Karnac's for permission to reproduce the text. [1] The author is referring to Rik Loose's

  • Issue 14: Editorial

    From the Editorial Board (Jean Kilcullen, Rik Loose, Helen Sheehan and Helena Texier)

  • Issue 5: Editorial

    Rik Loose's paper represents a work in progress on the subject of addiction, a topic about which he notes Rik Loose's efforts to address the subject attest to the fact that what has, in a sense, been a missed

  • Issue 3: Editorial

    This is exemplified in the clinical case which forms the basis for the critique by Rik Loose, Gerry Sullivan fellow Committee members for their contribution to its success: Nellie Curtin, Fiona O'Brien-Lavin, Rik Loose, Maeve Nolan and Rob Weatherill.

  • Issue 17: Editorial

    Beginning by looking at the significance of Lacan's assertion that 'there is no metalanguage' when viewed Rik Loose's short article on Freud's involvement in Otto Gross's treatment, continues the author's engagement

  • Issue 16: Editorial

    currently undertaken at the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies in the college, under the guidance of Rik Loose, by staff and students of the Masters programme in Addiction Studies, attempting a psychoanalytic aforementioned Seminar XX which provides the theme for articles by both CVCallaghan and Johnston, -O'Callaghan looking Kristeva's theory of the semiotic, in order to extrapolate a theory of the feminine, whilst Johnston looks

  • A Structural Diagnosis of Toxicomania

    discourse reads as follows: In the above mentioned text, Rik Loose defines the impossible desire of I thank Rik Loose greatly for inciting me to write this article and for being a most interesting and Loose. A Lacanian Approach to Clinical Diagnosis and Addiction, op.cit, p. 17. [30] R. Loose. Further on the same page (p. 83), Rik Loose specifies that at will' should be understood as 'entirely Loose.

  • Wo Steht Lacan Heute? Lacanian Psychoanalysis In Ireland

    At present this is a loosely structured organisation whose main aim is to bring together for the purpose In the same vein, Rik Loose's involvement with the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies at LSB College, Loose as Head of Department. Instead, to date, under Rik Loose's guidance, 60 students have graduated from the Centre for Psychoanalytic In October of this year a Masters degree in addiction studies designed by Rik Loose will be launched,

  • Issue 31/32: Editorial

    Rik Loose of the Unit of Psychoanalysis, DBS School of Arts, shall henceforth act as corresponding editor Next we have two articles that look at the subject 'disturbed' by anxiety.

  • Issue 13: Editorial

    calls the 'structuring of the subject as a rival with himself, while Yves-Pierre Baumstimlers article, looking Rik Loose and Sara McAuley furnish us with their comments on two beginners' guides to Lacan, each of

  • Lacan And The Lure Of The Look

    By not looking! We see at what it is looking and how it is looking. We see bodies looking as we look at other bodies, desiring. Where before he was the only one looking, now he is being looked at. In this case, the Other's look is a look-looking rather than a look-looked-at.

  • Through the Looking glass

    The Letter, Issue 4, Summer 1995, Pages 13 - 26 THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS * Helena Texier Reflecting gaze meets that of the startled infant, in an 'exchange of looks'. missing is that - you never look at me from the place from which I see you. Conversely, what I look at is never what I want to see'. at his own image in a looking glass.

  • On First Looking Into Foucault's 'History'

    The Letter, Issue 20, Autumn 2000, Pages 183 - 209 ON FIRST LOOKING INTO FOUCAULT'S 'HISTORY' Cormac I have simply tried to look carefully at the three-volume work in question, to see whether in fact it Second, the marriage bond is such that the wife risks being hurt not just by the loss of her status, It was towards the end of the first volume that the lines of John Keat's 'On first looking into Chapman's And I would look forward to a confrontation between this work and that of Lacan by analysts whose appreciation

  • Analytical Discourse and Scientific Discourse: A Difference in Responsibility.

    Rik Loose The Discourse of Analysis According to Oscar Wilde, "education is an admirable thing, but

  • A Gross Episode

    The Letter, Issue 17, Autumn 1999, Pages 63 - 69 A GROSS EPISODE * Rik Loose In three letters written For instance, when Jung was at a loss with the treatment they would change roles and Gross would analyse

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