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498 items found for "Rik loose"

Articles (417)

  • Remarks On The Theory And Treatment Of (Pathological) Administration's of Enjoyment

    Moreover, Rik Loose has applied the same impressive rigour to the challenge of a similar interpretation With this theory Rik Loose introduces a new concept: 'administration'. References * Paul Verhaeghe was one of the invited speakers on the occasion of the launch of Rik Loose's Since his comments were an elaboration of those in his foreword to Rik Loose's work he has agreed to Our thanks to Karnac's for permission to reproduce the text. [1] The author is referring to Rik Loose's

  • Issue 14: Editorial

    From the Editorial Board (Jean Kilcullen, Rik Loose, Helen Sheehan and Helena Texier)

  • Issue 5: Editorial

    Rik Loose's paper represents a work in progress on the subject of addiction, a topic about which he notes Rik Loose's efforts to address the subject attest to the fact that what has, in a sense, been a missed

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