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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • The Birth Of The Mother

    shall want a child as replacement for the penis I never had. [1] Did you know that if you were to look any mention of women who are mothers and if you want to find out anything about mothers you have to look one who turns up at the maternity hospital twenty years after her baby has died just to hold or to look effective grief model is inherent in Bowlby's approach as well as in much common-sense wisdom around loss Attachment and Loss: Volume 3, Loss, Sadness and Depression.

  • Psychoanalysis and Schizophrenia

    In a psychosis, a loss of reality would necessarily be present, whereas in a neurosis, it would seem, this loss would be avoided'? In relation to this loss of reality Freud says that the psychotic subject disavows reality and tries originally a rent had appeared in the ego's relation to the external world'. [4] There is not only a loss

  • Lebar na h'uidre - Book of the Dun Cow

    The loss of her foster-son was a great tribulation for Deichtire. Then Findchoem looks at the boy.

  • Suicide, A Family Narrative on the Edge of Consciousness

    It lies at the heart of human existence and is central to working with issues of loss. Correspondingly, there is an inner rejection, a loss of self respect, of self regard. Secrecy, myths and taboos surrounding the loss, interfere with mastery. Webs are stronger than they look. Living Beyond Loss. Death in the Family. New York, Norton, 1991. p. 18. [7] E. Erickson.

  • Paediatric Bipolar?

    When ones look at the concept of Paediatric Bipolar, it is striking to realise that this currently important The baby is tense and the mother says, “look at you, you're in such a state… it's over… don't worry” the mother pushes the knowledge into the child, forces it in, in a way, she makes the child think: “Look Lastly, the mother could have been through a traumatic experience of loss such as a cot death and may There is indeed a loss in moving on to phallic enjoyment, but that loss is unavoidable.

  • ‘Becoming’ in Hegel’s Phenomenology and in Psychoanalysis

    That new ideal must include a loss. In order to avoid experiencing themselves as deranged, Romantic Reformers look to excuse the failures He simply looks at history and looks to a new societal organisation and new representative figures in Freud’s patients are asked to look to their past and in dealing with it, develop a better future. Lucy R. is not, in the first place, looking for something more, she is looking to be liberated from what

  • Subject And Body: Lacan's Struggle With The Real

    In this exchange between (m)Other and child, the loss and the processing of this loss is central. the loss in the chain of signifiers. Which loss? , that of eternal life in itself, and subjectivity is an effect of this loss This loss is none other than the loss of pure life in itself, of immortality (11, pp. 197-98; XI, pp.

  • In Schreber's case: an exploration of psychotic anxiety

    showing you that Schreber, whose account of his madness is difficult to approach for all of us, once looked As you can see, he was a handsome man, correct and conventional in his dress who didn't look mad. This alienation involves a necessary loss. If you look at the map you will see that Coswig and Pima are on the Elbe. Looking Awry. Cambridge, (Mass.), MIT Press, 1991. [6] S. Freud. The Uncanny.

  • The Torus – An Introduction

    If we know how to look for this term in a way that is consonant with the analysis of mythic terms, we What the subject is looking for is this real qua precisely not possible: it is the exception and this It is possible from looking at the torus to trace out a number of circles on it. [and] we call this second dimension a torus structure [since] it constitutes the existence of loops This dimension of loss essential to metonymy, the loss of the thing in the object, is the truesense of

  • The Heart of the Matter. More Topological Considerations On The Subject.

    This necessitated an engagement with arid and peculiar looking shapes from the world of topology, a branch Through looking at the sphere and the cross-cap in particular, this presentation attempts to examine If we were to cut out a flap from this rubber surface, you would look at it and say 'Yes, this is a flap In his Divine Comedy, Dante, who lived from 1265 to 1321, allowed something of the (o) object as look Of course, in this looking for something, there is an equivocation about the look.

  • Stendhal's Syndrome

    outbursts of crying, irrational guilt feelings and deep anxiety, or else overexcitement, euphoria and loss Looked at from the point of view of Lacan's matrix of the co-ordinates of anxiety [3] there is often The gaze is fundamentally different from the 'eye' or the 'look'. In The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis Lacan describes the sudden ambush of the look as a Perhaps it is not surprising that so many visitors to the famous galleries of the world no longer look

  • Issue 19/20: Editorial

    We look forward to your comments, requests and -above all-your articles! her unique input and her faith in her fellow Board members, we would not be in a position today to look Patricia Stewart who has joined the Editorial Board and whose contribution to the collective effort we look

  • What do Psychiatrists Mean by Anxiety?

    This paper looks at the current understanding of various diagnoses relating to anxiety and provides an flattening; feeling increased distance from other people; diminished responsiveness to surroundings; loss Conversion disorders essentially involve a loss of connection between a person’s identity, memories and In some people, however, chronic states can develop, such as psychological paralyses or loss of feeling , usually for important recent events), ‘dissociative fugue’ (memory loss plus an apparently purposeful

  • The Signifier and Shakespeare

    Loss and desire 'insist' along chains of signifiers used by both. Different stories but loss, lack, desire and the inability to emerge as subjects from their own truth When Lady Macbeth advises her husband to look like the innocent flower But be the serpent under't ( There is a sense of loss; much of the drama has gone. However, for both, my compassion has truly never been so sincere, a gain that far outweighs the loss.

  • Issue 33: Editorial

    We can look forward to further contributions from the congress in later issues. Bernard Kennedy, in his article, looks at the mystical position of Teresa of Avila and the texts of Bernard take this opportunity to thank him warmly for his enthusiasm and energy on the editorial board and look

  • Freud’s Interest in the Origins of Humanity as Reflected in his Theory of Psychoanalysis

    are to situate our domain well, or even simply find out where we are.’ [3] This paper attempts to look

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