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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • The Rapture Of Lol V. Stein

    she becomes its object - she is looked at. The Look 'The look is everywhere in the novel', and the woman of the event 'is portrayed everywhere as a non-look'. [13] The look according to Sartre is not just concerned with the organ of sight For Lacan the look is the object of the scopic drive - 'the eye which looks is that of the subject while If we look upon Lol V.

  • Le Pari de Pascal - Pascal's Wager

    The Name-of-the-Father takes on a very particular nuance here that I will ask you to look at in terms What interests Pascal and then Lacan is to measure the return effects of this loss on the big Other. Lacan looking at what it means for psychoanalysis, thinks that what a subject should know is who he Claude Landeman: Gambling is a way of defending yourself against the loss of the object, of balancing the loss.

  • We See in Hysteria Something which is a Defence against Dissatisfaction

    Thus in melancholia it must be a question of a loss - a loss in instinctual life’. [4] We see melancholia retreats to ego-loss. and for the hysteric loss itself becomes an object. The circuit of the drive is caught up in the loop of the desire of the Other. This is the second movement of loss, which hooks up with the loss experienced in the dissatisfaction

  • Lacan On Las Meninas: The Visual Structure Of The Human Subject

    (I am not looking at you from where you are seeing me). So this painting incarnates the look. ; a look lying in wait to capture our gaze. This is how art makes tangible the look. the look is elsewhere. In the look that is elsewhere. The artist is not looking at us from where we are seeing him.

  • Antigone goes beyond-the-beyond: From the 'my lady' of the ideal to the malady of the ideal

    For Lacan, there is no beyond of the pleasure principle because when he looks at the pleasure principle rather than encountering the unbearable real of loss qua anxiety'. It's more probable that Freud would have looked at Antigone as a dramatisation of the conflict between If we look back to Freud, we see that he does not seem to be at all driven by any desire to construct Interestingly, if we look in the seminar for the first mention of the creation ex nihilo - which will

  • This is my Body.... The clinic of the o-objects or of the body of enjoyment

    In the course of analysis this is a topologically arranged discourse involving loss. Lack which is unrepresentable can only be imaged as the loss of a precious part of oneself which as flesh from the anal object - excrement - to the oral object - vomit - speak of separation at orifices, of loss What's at stake for this body of enjoyment is whether or not the loss of a precious part of itself can In it the topology of the look or gaze is outlined as limitless and conforming to the inmixing of the

  • Issue 18: Editorial

    Stanley (looking up from the letter and amazed at his friend's miserable demeanour): 'Why Ollie! There Oliver discovers that, - far from it being the case that there is a singularity to his loss, to

  • Post Hoc Exsilium Ostende

    /67, Autumn 2017/Spring 2018, Pages 47 - 54 POST HOC EXSILIUM OSTENDE [1] Paul Bothorel This paper looks Keywords: Exile; language; psychoanalysis; loss; Moses. This question shifts her to an entirely new dimension, that of loss: Not loss of her native language, Freud maintains stubbornly that humans are defined by their loss, a radical lack. And it is our relation to this loss that defines us, each of us within our own identity, an identity

  • Melancholia - A perverse act? The case of the frog and the eel

    Here, Freud argued; that the loss in question for the melancholic was a loss in relation to libido A loss is encountered in both but there is a distinction between the ways in which the loss is perceived in terms of the lack of the penis once attributed to the mother and loss, in terms of the loss of the Objet a, arises from loss, loss of the position as imaginary phallus and the jouissance that position In other words, the loss is a double loss.

  • Paranoia

    Lacan points out that this look to which we are exposed is never a benevolent look: it is always a vigilant But in this case, she knows from where she is being look at, and who is looking at her. What am I for this look? Why is it a superego look? You have to look for causes. There is never a final cause, so we go on looking.

  • "Despair, Despair, Despair... Spare!" : Affect In Lacanian Theory And Practice

    The irate look had the function of demonstrating that she had become nothing in her father's eyes, of But when the irate look of that same father was followed by an impatient rejection by the older woman The importance of Las Meninas in isolating the function of the look was drawn to Lacan's attention by The painting has its effect principally through the making present of the look of the painter in the at us as much, much more, than we look at it.

  • The Real In India Or The Real India? The One And The Other

    Moore, much older, is looking back on her life, as she struggles to get a sense of what it was all about Miss Quested, on the other hand is looking ahead, to her marriage to Mrs.

  • Being a Stranger to Oneself

    But then comes the loss, this one inside the symbolic dimension, the one that marks an absence noticed According to that, there would be an irremediable loss caused at the same time by life, sex and symbolic That is the symbolic loss. The losses we experience more or less sorely are therefore to be understood, according to him, only as This splitting between symbolic loss and real lack gives us a way to better understand the everlasting

  • Above the Horizon there is no Sky

    is no Sky [1] Jean-Pierre Georgin and Erik Porge This paper takes one of Lacan’s “o objects” – the look and the gaze – the look being on the side of the subject and the gaze being on the side of the object The look is brought in as a mode of subjective insertion in the visible. It is a privilege of the look among the o - objects. This closing with a twist corresponds to the o -object look.

  • Psychic Structure and Manifestations of Anxiety Within the Clinic

    The danger of psychical helplessness fits the stage of the ego's early immaturity; the danger of the loss of an object (or loss of love) fits the lack of self-sufficiency in the first years of childhood; the The signal of anxiety is the response to this looming intrication of desire and death. [9] Contrariwise The anxiety concerning the looming intrication of desire and death is funnelled through this scenario The intimation functions as a refracted reflection of the looming fantasy structure.

  • The Question of the Drive in Psychoanalysis

    He answers that the subject is 'situated at the culmination of the loop'. Thus, it is in the return of the look that the subject attempts to situate himself. Lacan tells us that 'What the voyeur is looking for and finds is merely a shadow.' He looks for what cannot be seen, placing himself within the look, becoming the look. [59] Leclaire That is, the subject becomes himself to himself through his looking.

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