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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • The Formulae of Sexuation

    This year, he is loosely equating the symbolic with speech and the real with lalangue - a neologism for

  • On the Twisted Structure of Sado-Masochismin Lacan’s Anxiety Seminar

    encounter something like an insoluble knot of enjoyment and anxiety, Lacan claims that this knot is loosened an inert object, or plaything, in the sadist’s hands, it is the victim’s very subjectivity – or his look In his treatment of masochism we find not one, but three very loosely related theories dealing with the

  • Chapter 4: The Stuff of the Psychoanalytic Discourse and its Cut. The Psychoanalytic Discourse.

    When the material loosens? the unsatisfied desire of the hysteric, shit the object of the impossible desire of the master, the look

  • The Logical Status of Lacan's "Formulae of Sexuation"

    Every "statement" in arithmetic (every equation, loosely speaking, but we mean here also the propositions

  • How Significant is the Concept of Inexact Interpretation for the Psychoanalytic Clinic?

    Glover emphasises that psychoanalysis, in contrast, ‘has always striven its utmost to loosen the bonds

  • The Tool of Diagnosis and Operation of The Matheme

    Let us loosen the vice, the diagnostic vice, a little. Let us loosen the vice not in the sense of putting one or other diagnosis in question. 'Let us loosen the vice‘ in a much stronger sense: where does this knowledge come from, from where do

  • Psychic Contusion: Remarks on Ferenczi and Trauma

    variants of this view, it is quite acceptable to hug or hold patients when they are distressed, or to loosen

  • Perversion and Neurosis: Two Sides of the Same Coin

    fundamental terms that we find in the analysis of neuroses, which are oedipal terms. [19] A further look In fact, perhaps we could say quite the opposite – although the symptomatology looks different – are Does this indicate that the perception of our so-called progress regarding sexual matters and a loosening notion that, from an analytic perspective, the sexual is always psychosexual and therefore we must look

  • Addiction

    He shows us that there are two different types of loss. So you can see that there are two kinds of loss that can take place. But clinical experience shows that I can also lose the initial loss, the fundamental loss, namely what This is just to tell you that we are all dependent, since we all depend on that original loss. And if this original loss is lacking, you will find depersonalisation and melancholia.

  • Book Review. The Last Asylum: A Memoir of Madness in our Times by Barbara Taylor

    She insists that the loss of an assigned place where people can look out for each other epitomises the She was looked after by a series of unmarried mothers whose babies had been given up for adoption. with a grief that was exacerbated, in turn, by her own loss of them. Like the women hired to look after her, who these visitors were or why they were there was also not spoken These often involved images of dead, mutilated or lost babies, or of her childhood self frantically looking

  • Moving Away from the Familiar

    ‘Moving away’ implies a loss of some sort or other. Is there the opportunity for finding something new in this loss? Must we experience loss to find ourselves anew? Is this loss a trauma? Trauma & Loss Trauma is inseparable from the idea of loss. The child must symbolise the hole or loss and subsequent object losses.

  • The Lost Subject

    Autumn 2005, Pages 72 - 78 THE LOST SUBJECT [1] Denise Brett You less is - the subject appears in the loss The Borromean knot allows us to look at the structure of the subject without using language, each register However, when looked at in the three dimensional, one ring can be manipulated which results in changing The meanings are many and I shall look at two. Meaning is imaginary and chasing this elusive chimera is a wild goose chase - we end up nowhere, now

  • The Real of Lacan in the Treatment of Psychosis

    Freud began looking for the truth which must give pleasure; with the truth, sooner or later you would In a different way, Lacan began looking directly for the Real. It was the framework of the Freudian approach to psychosis, for one part the loss of reality and for [4] Before answering the question, we must look at the fourth lack. of the symbolic, as a loss of reality, as a loss of symbolic… it is possible to put them together as

  • The Object a.

    It arises in relation to the fact that, at the end of the fifties, Lacan was looking for a resolution , an absolute loss. that it should be a loss for everyone. So that, no matter which side we turn to, we are at a loss for words to express what an absolute loss We didn't look for it; we just encountered it.

  • The Impossibility Of The Sexual Act

    the genitals of the young men who are attractive to him, to just steal a look. He satisfies this curiosity by looking at gay pornographic magazines. In other words, sublimation doesn't involve the loss of any capacity for sexual satisfaction. The look soaks everyone in this phantastical scene - the dreaded look of his father in the wings, his own look returned in the mirror...

  • Issue 21: Editorial

    Patricia McCarthy looks at the centrality of the o-object to the clinic. resembling the unwieldy, many-tentacled creature referred to in Cormac Gallagher’s ‘overview’ – one is at a loss

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