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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • In Pursuit Of The Fading Subject Across The Field Of Fantasy

    pressed to locate herself, she (since this is more usually a female fantasy) will say, 'I am probably looking It is not so much that this subject has cut loose from its egoic moorings as that it belongs to an era

  • Religion And Obsessional Neurosis

    freely associating, the speaker found himself expressing not alone the pathogenic secrets which he often looked , but rather by means of a dialectical and potentially pathogenic interaction between what might be loosely

  • Psychoanalysis Without Tears?

    Many times he looked out to the end of the world searching for a fixed point, some place he could find Freud writes: ‘It is clear that the psychoanalyst can dispense entirely with the university without any loss Jung’s modification, on the other hand loosens the connection of the phenomena with instinctual life; the analyst or others within the psychoanalytic setting is usually the one who is well able to have a loose

  • Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychosis: A Later Lacanian Critique of the 388 in Québec City

    went over his Symbolic only once, instead of twice and the Imaginary circle was at risk of breaking loose was due to the Imaginary going over the Real only once, instead of twice, thus leaving the Symbolic loose

  • Schizophrenia in Freud and Lacan: No Return to pre-Kraepelinian Bewilderment

    [15] Against the looseness of Ziehen’s nosology and his tendency to explain illnesses in terms of outer Despite Kraepelin’s remarks about the looseness of Ziehen’s nosology, Norman argued that Kraepelin’s

  • Epiphanies and the Clinic

    This theory, which develops into his aesthetic theory, is based, somewhat loosely, on Aquinas's theory

  • Pandora's Box: On The Function Of Secrecy In Psychoanalysis

    of complaints: he just got fired from his job at an advertising agency, he has been too depressed to look for another job, he looses sleep, suffers from ulcers, cannot use the men's room in hotels, stations

  • The Third Generation of Desire.

    Orian de Homodarmes, older brother to Orso, both of whom (in their late twenties, their parents dead) look elsewhere imputes to Oedipus at Colonus, but it certainly is "Being-unto-death" in the very best of loose where I demanded of her against all nature an inhuman sacrifice have I not seen her direct at me a look

  • Reconsidering the Significance of Structuralism in Lacan's Thought

    First, he loosens the bond between signifier and signified, a bond that Saussure presumes to be inevitable a word is always and invariably connected with its signified meaning - another structural linguist loosely that Lacan advocates analysts playing free-associational word games of their own as improvisations loosely Freudian drive-object is composed of perceptual mnemic elements, Lacan's logic of the signiher, cut loose However, it's not because the dam looks picturesque in a landscape that energy is natural. ...

  • Lacanian comments on "What can I know?", "What ought I to do?", "What may I hope for?".

    Where Lacan is venturing into philosophic waters, it is appropriate to look for commentary in the direction he always matched measure for measure: a minus for a plus, a gain of flexibility and mastery for a loss The reading of this work made him loose all sense of time. Or that one looks for verification in the wrong place, and more especially in the wrong way? Looking for special gifts on the part of the analysand, however, is every bit as doubtful.

  • Terms and Conditions: ‘Psychosis’ and Psychoanalytic Treatment

    [17] Freud argues that what is distinctive about paranoia, in so far as it is pathogenic, should be looked articleID=100311 [6] A syllogism is, in a loose sense, ‘a computation, calculation, … the putting

  • The Problematic Shadow of Super-Vision in Analytic Supervision

    merely acknowledges its existence as a component of psychoanalytic training and, moreover, defines it loosely carceral society, preoccupied with control, surveillance and supervision. [10] It seems we have only to look

  • Is the Concept of the Death Drive Essential When Speaking of Trauma?

    He expressed the wish that he might someday meet his girl again and he would be able to 'tie up loose Looking Awry. London, MIT, 1991, p. 38. [ 7] J. Lacan. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan. Ed. J.-A.

  • Some Clinical Consequences of the Logical Difference between the Sexes

    We are thus warned to loosen the bonds that exist in our thoughts between instinct and object. lt seems We have to look hard to encounter some clear affirmation on this point. What the subject is looking for is this real qua precisely not possible; it is the exception [...] them, which has nothing neutral about it, but there is no question of fabricating them) to a double look The vignette is therefore not a little ornament that is added on to make things look true, and which

  • Of Klein bottles, Cuts And Sex

    If we cut it, it looses what gives it its disposition, which is a non-orientable, one-sided surface.

  • Seminars XVII and XVIII with XXIII: On a University Discourse that might not be Joycean

    points de capiton ). [21] As such sewing as basting thus dictates, Derrida and Lacan here hold together loosely Writing, resonance, psychoanalysis If we have perhaps spotted loosely knotted moments in Derrida and constructed of three interlinking rings such that if one ring is broken the other two immediately come loose

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