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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • To work perchance to love

    partial British tolerance of post-structuralist thinking, I undertook an examination of what could loosely I shall look at each discourse in turn as exemplified by accounts of love and coupledom which I gathered They have a certain 'in your face' quality which says 'look you can adore me all you want, but are you [22] I don't look for an equal rather a person who is happy to act in a second plane, happy to be a mechanisms of the 'good-enough partner' at work in the 'companionate relationship', let us have another look

  • I'm Burnt': A Psychotic Neologism in Melancholia

    '... cats are not to be trusted, you should never loose sight of a cat, and especially of a cat's So, it looks like the supreme desire of B was to get electrocuted once again. Similarly, throughout his melancholia and his mania he kept repeating 'I loose everything. I am a looser'. [8] Onding in Dutch. In this sense the melancholic delusion of loss of humanity reveals the naked truth.

  • Psychology And Psychoanalysis - A Scientific Paradigm

    matter with some operative generalisations about technique and theory, or perhaps to regard it even more loosely What I want to do here is take the more limited context of main-stream psychological science and look Gallagher goes on to challenge psychology to address all that emerges from such a contemporary analysis and look

  • According to Marcel Duchamp: La mariée mise à nu par ses célibataires, même and the ready-made

    Now for the Glass itself; what does it look like? For that matter let's have a closer look at this title. which psychoanalysis can achieve at its very best: the traversing of the fantasy, which consequently looses On the one hand, a given thing can become a ready-made by a simple displacement, which makes it loose It was like looking at the dancing flames in a fireplace: it soothes.

  • Models of Temporality In Psychoanalysis

    shall detail shortly, involves that logic integrating certain temporal modes: the instant of the look We have arrived at the first mode of logical time, what Lacan calls the instant of the look. This is to say that the times corresponding to the look, understanding and concluding which are those It is in this way that the three moments implied in this puzzle - the instant of the look, the time for For this Lacan used the term Un tout seul which we might loosely translate as the singular mark.

  • Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry and Bipolar Disorder in the Twenty First Century

    But looking back a quarter century later, I almost can‟t believe my own naiveté. DSM-V pathologises many normal behaviours that entail suffering – like grief or shyness - by giving looser To label these emotional states as symptoms of disease without first looking deeply into their unconscious assessment - in which the person's family and developmental history, and the possible impact of trauma, loss

  • Psychoanalysis, Representation, Politics

    Firstly, the assimilation of psychoanalysis with political theory at that time centred on what was loosely that psychoanalysis is not the answer but the problem; what I meant by this is that we should not only look Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan Through Popular Culture. Cambridge, Mass, M.I.T.

  • Reading Plato's Symposium

    Phaedrus does not use the term lover in a loose way. his customary way, the glamorous phraseology of his predecessor and saying that not alone is he at a loss Diotima then comments anachronistically on the idea expressed in Aristophanes speech that we are looking But, my dear, take a better look in case the fact that I am nothing (ouden) escapes your notice. for a sign from Socrates, looks for a manifestation of the desire he believes Socrates to have for him

  • The Other Side of The Symptom

    holds for the Wolf-man's phobia and conversion symptoms. [4] Let us now turn back and take a closer look Hence, Dora's mother's catarrh says something about Dora's father being a man who leads a loose life

  • Chapter 6: The Structure of the Psychoanalytic Discourse, is Interpretation

    Precisely starting from the moment when meaning loosens or may loosen. It is this loosening of meaning that the practice of free association proposes. It is first of all a loss, the loss of meaning inherent in true opinion, including the loss of all the Sense, the sequence of movement seriously ordered starting from the loosening of meaning, sense which What it contributes in each discourse, is rather a loss.

  • Rumpelstilskin's Revenge On The Importance Of Proper Names In Psychoanalysis

    Whatever happens, the inscription of the demand of the Other on the level of the first name will not loose Looking at Freud's Dora-case, an intriguing footnote was added to the analysis of her second dream, in has established himself as Morse thanks to the efforts of a fool called Lewis, who is constantly looking Morse looks like a morse and every time he has reaffirmed and re-established his being, he re-experiences Yet, when looking at the family Bible's inscribed page, matters become even more complicated, since Freud's

  • Presentation, Introduction and Chapter 1: The Roles of the Analyst. The Psychoanalytic Discourse.

    The proposed double-looped circuit of the imaginary, of the symbolic and of the real doesnot come out I am proposing here a second, different loop (boucle) of reading: it is no longer a matter of approaching Speech is nevertheless much too large and too loose. What multiple meanings under speech! But also silences: ‘Look, I am silent’, ‘Look, he is silent’.

  • An Approach to Lacan’s XXVIth Seminar Topology and Time

    Lacan’s substitution of the philosopher’s being and time for the psychoanalyst’s topology and time by looking topology [13] while the analyst’s discourse induces a topological transformation whereby a double-looped rather than buckling itself in a single circuit, misses its point of origin and makes an additional loop suggest that an intractable symptomatic configuration that is causing the subject to suffer can be loosened the second Lacan placed a star at the crossing point that needs to be inverted for the cord to come loose

  • Where was Jacques Lacan in 1971-72? ... Ou Pire and the Knowledge of the Psychoanalyst

    living with them for a year and a half it eventually dawned on me that they were texts - I use the word loosely matheme (a new term that had long been implicit in his teaching), lalangue (another neologism that looked In other words, the practice of free association is based on the fact that one is not looking for truth

  • CMJOYCIRENSFW The Writersinger

    Bronzelydia’s, ‘Her wet lips tittered: -- He’s killed looking back’. [21] With her ‘Full voice of perfume Love, sorrow, loss, death, homesickness, cradle songs, drinking songs, songs of the fairy of death (the committed suicide because the reinforced ropes that were tying the seduced Ulysses would not come loose Hearing the song of his two Sirens, Martha and Molly, hearing the passage from the opera Martha , Bloom, looped

  • Elizabeth, - The Virgin Queen And The Maid

    Given that she is Queen and he subject to her, he risks loosing something quite precious to him, a risk king had only their heads, their thinking caps, to risk, a disappointment to the Queen might mean the loss

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