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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Evidence–based practice and psychoanalysis: thought disorder and the dream

    My argument is that to ignore this ‘evidence base’ is a loss to psychiatry and psychiatry’s patient – The implications of this loss will be further discussed by examining the parallels between thought disorder The gap, no, the chasm, in differing comprehensions loomed large there and then. In similar fashion, psychoanalysis cuts loose from reproducibility because the working of chance is at I’m there with her in the house she’ll be leaving, standing beside her, looking out her kitchen window

  • Case by Case: Approaching the Subject of Drug Abuse in Times of Over-Consumption

    strict – leading toa disproportionate renunciation and an excess of psychological distress – or too loose ‘Over and over again’ seems to be the effect of loosening the social bond. As Freud observed in The Loss of Reality in Neurosis and Psychosis , there is also in terms of drug dependency crisis in the symptom, which is regularly due to a close encounter with castration, such as death, loss an end itself, but as a direction that points towards helping patients to feel less impotent towards loss

  • "No Words to Say it? Exploratory Thoughts on Fierens’ ‘Equanimity’ of Speaking and...

    Speech presents itself in the form of statements (énoncés), but also silences: ‘Look! Look! He is silent. Silence being a potential statement. The blind look of Tiresias is evoked. …But also silences: ‘Look! I am silent. Look! He is silent’. has nothing to do with doing nothing…’ [19] Speech is therefore for Fierens ‘much too large and too loose

  • Sigmund Freud: The Time For Understanding

    of Michelangelo is represented as seated; his body faces forward, his head with its mighty beard looks The instant of the look is characterised by an essential transitivism. to his feet, his left foot is already raised from the ground - dash the Tables to the earth and let loose 38] Could we not say then that a work of vengeance is always accomplished in the instant of the look The time for understanding can be reduced to the instant of the look, but this instant includes all the

  • A Psychoanalytic Perspective On Borderline Personality Disorder

    category with some characterising it as meaning that the psychiatrist simply does not know what he is looking It seems that there is only one little girl and that she is looking in a mirror. It is not clear where their gaze is directed - the reflection on the right is looking away and the one on the left seems to be looking to the right, so there is an ambiguity about their relationship with Loose. The Subject of Addiction. London, Karnac, 2002. [14] A. Bateman & P. Fonagy.

  • Psychoanalysis And The Night

    language, for instance, serve as a disengagement from the being of the other and with what Klauber calls a loss I've always loved people who enjoy good meals, who look forward to watching good performances ... As soon as I enter into a relation with the other, with the gaze, look, request, love, command, or call Is psychoanalysis itself decadent as it encourages just this loosening of the grasp, a paradoxical 'liberation beyond psychoanalysis, beyond the unconscious, desire and freedom and the transvaluation of values, looms

  • Lacan And Dali - An Anamorphic Encounter?

    Olga Cox Cameron 'What fun I might have had Lacan's half-mocking, backward look at his early years from Since the field of psychoanalysis is language, it seems more apt to look to these writings rather than Lacan in the thirties looked to Caillois, Wallon and Kojéve to add shape to his theory of ' connaissance This paper will look at the immediate influence of Dali's writing on Lacan at the time of the doctoral This chapter consists in a series of unrelated, perhaps loosely chronological episodes which dramatise

  • The Analyst Confronted With State Legitimacy

    In its details, ttus answer is very intricate; but from a distance, it looks very like Columbus' egg To us today, looking back on all this it seems very simple and natural, but in fact it was at times rather Let's have a closer look at this unitary Corporation, for I think that this kind of Corporation -with This strange and omnipresent being of the State has gradually come loose, bit by bit, from the intricate

  • On Sublimation

    Indeed it was sublimation that forced him to look toward the problem of the Real. I would like to loosely quote a paragraph of Lacan which allows a summarizing of what I have said so

  • Subject and Subject-Matter

    upon ‘The Psychoanalytic Discourse: A Second Reading of Lacan’s L’Etourdit’ by Christian Fierens, I look dug him out, His last gruel of winter seeds Caked in his stomach, Naked except for The cap, noose Secondly, I was acquainted with his capacity to mimic the Ulster-Scots dialect of which ‘a mouse loose

  • Lacan And Matisse: Overlapping Discourses?

    When he began a work, after much preparation, he did not know what the finished product would look like Look, however, at the compositional units: four triangles. A shift of object is taking place here. The look has shifted from its place, throwing the object of representation into disarray. It is above all an image, autonomous and daring in loosening the ties to the aesthetics of realism and

  • Latent Freudian Thoughts Towards a Theory of Neurotic Depression: Part One

    First of all, it is not motivated by a psychic trauma, for instance bad luck in love or the loss of a It is no wonder then that most psychoanalytic interpretations of Kafka look for the reasons for what So, the basic condition for the hysterical discourse is a kind of 'melancholic' depression, a loss of Now this symbolic failure of the phallus is radically interpreted as a 'loss' of the phallus. Paris, L'harmappan, 1998. pp. 181-191. [4] The nutrition of the body declines, the hair looses its colour

  • The Universe Is Therapeutic. Life In-sists Before It Ex-ists In Signs

    Or, looking at issues affecting how women see themselves, the aim will be to empower women, to increase 'The greatest loss, that of oneself, may pass unnoticed' (Kierkegaard). soft tissues of the social like some invisible antioxidant picking off all those potentially toxic loose vocation, not a profession, it might still have the freedom to do its work, that is, to contemplate loss

  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Guidelines in Psychosis

    around oneself, are experienced as disturbed, not felt as something that truly belongs to one’s self; Loss intentions in concrete interpersonal relationships Helping the patient to recover from the psychosocial losses as part of the supervision process alongside the supervisor’s helping attitude in understanding the losses These essential factors anchoring self-awareness and self-reflections are loosely or not at all linked

  • Obsessionality, Capitalism, Transgression

    The first point I would like to look at is the difficulty which late nineteenth century historical sociologists the emergence of the concept of capital: The very concept of capital is derived from this way of looking The necessity of loss hits the subject with particular virulence; rather than losing something, the Descartes rejects this, and, consequently, he suppresses the loss. In so far as myth aspires to pure structure and history to pure succession, religion loosens the metonymic

  • The Intergenerational Transmission of the Holocaust Trauma: The Legacy of an Impossible Memory

    20] An aspect that is almost always veiled in silence is the experience of the sudden and definite loss children take the place of those who were lost by the parents, a separation would mean a renewed loss the mother's milk. [52] In his story of Ruth, for example, her first pregnancy was related to the loss The fragments of stories, the loose ends that the child hears or is told, constitute elements with which In: journal of personal & interpersonal loss. H. Peshkin & N.

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