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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Discovering Transference

    , Fragment of an analysis of a case of hysteria, otherwise known as the 'Dora' case. [2] Before looking all somatic and mental symptoms: dyspnoea [breathlessness], tussis nervosa [nervous cough], aphonia [loss

  • Klein's Bottle: Getting Real

    The mother has to be destroyed in our imagination in order to create the loss (in the depressive position syndrome, 'soldiers often fantasise about killing the enemy soldier in a face-to-face confrontation, looking

  • Reading L’Étourdit: First Turn Chapter 3: There Is No Sexual Relationship

    engendering of a moiety [6] does not occur without the division of the subject, namely, without the loss subject to being divided from its organs’ (12d), to be cut off from the breast, from faeces, from the look through the mediation of the Other (and of its demand); in the field of the academic discourse it will be look The phallic organic bait is the hook for fishing out different objects (breast, faeces, look, voice).

  • Plato's Good For Lacan

    The subject emerges from a place of polymorphous perversity through a loss, the establishing of a gap On the other side it is the objet a, the lost object, cause of desire: that which through its loss is

  • Through the Lenses of the Cartel…

    of the four discourses seems, to have become a two-way process, including, of necessity, a valuable look

  • Kant’s Nothings and Lacan's Empty Object

    , as Le Gaufey has pointed out, it has implications for the nothing in psychoanalysis caused by the loss

  • Erring Fathers

    This means that the Si is circumscribed by not allowing meaning to be reached, by not allowing the loop

  • Menstruation - The Ultimate Taboo?

    While Freud was looking for a universal explanation for the conflict between father and son, Daly was

  • Kant with Sade

    Selbstsucht) that the subject experiences as contentment (arrogantia) in its pleasures, to the extent that a look That much is evident, and one would do better to give the text a second look. 24. Even failing that, the look (regard) is indeed there, object that presents to each desire its universal Such (beauty) serves to bear witness to us of the experience that we look for behind the fabulation of To understand us, look up the trilogy of Claudel entitled Père humilié . [49] (To understand us, one

  • Truth and Freedom in Psychoanalysis

    is merely the application of a Neo-Kantian conception of science to human being. [8] What Freud is looking Jennifer came looking extremely pleased, in marked contrast with the time before; and she told me how does not want her suffering to be thrown back at her as by a mirror, which was why she did not want to look better her nostalgia for that boarding school where, far removed from her mother, she could meet such [looks

  • Lacan’s Use of Topology – A Chronology: Part 1

    This movement of the ribbon means that we have, in fact, given a full twist to the ribbon, although by looking towards the centre . [23] This description suggests the torus with its longitudinal axis representing the loop

  • Rethinking the Drug Treatment of Psychosis

    An American group has also looked at what it is that antipsychotic drugs do, trying to break the effects I think this is indisputable now after the macaque monkey study, which showed a 10% loss of brain matter

  • The Pale Criminal And The Need For Punishment: A Freudian Perspective

    second with taboo prohibitions as a whole, the third treats of animism and magic, while the fourth looks (This is, of course, what fear of the loss of love amounts to, for love is a protection against this

  • Signifier And Signification In The Practice Of Lacanian Psychoanalysis

    As long as one looked for the direct meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphic figures, the writing remained incomprehensible A red car crossing his way, a passer-by wearing a hat, the tramdriver looking at him: all these events

  • Hysteria: Does it Exist?

    Again, a formula whose verification you may look for in your own clinical practice: "Hysterics are looking

  • Lacan's Invention

    as he catalogues the incarnations of the o-object in terms of the breast, the turd, the phallus, the look

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