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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • The Ages of the Child

    Nonetheless, Shakespeare’s account of the oblivion of the endpoint of life, the inexorable loss of death people could not allow themselves to become too attached to something that was regarded as a probable loss

  • “You’re not going out like that, are you?”

    earliest childhood, one in respect of which they knew themselves to be guiltless, and which they could look Moritz appears to him without his head, among the dead, looking for his hand.

  • Memory And Phantasy

    'On one occasion as she was walking along in front of them, [8] she said: 'Do look at my little tail Before considering that level of phantasy let us look at the seme of the term 'phantasy' as it emerges

  • Kant with Sade: A Scholion

    The hysteric tries to come to terms with symbolic castration (the loss of enjoyment) by arousing and Its value in Sade is better observed by looking at it from the perspective of the artifice which the The stakes are thus apparently limited to the preservation or loss of the other term, when the union Perhaps we should take another look at it, in the light or our dubious success. 140. To understand us, look up the trilogy of Claudel [85] entitled Père humilié .

  • Comments on the Presentations given By Ian Parker and Kazushige Shingu

    curious association between eating and mourning is brought up, especially that of a mother mourning the loss

  • The Jouissance of the Mystic

    , - is in fact the jouissance of the idiot, as Lacan calls it, from the Greek Idios -meaning inward looking

  • Seduction - The Universal Enigma: A Clinical Consideration Of The Subject(ed)

    infantile sexuality, that our knowledge throughout the twentieth century has been the richer for his loss Freud concludes this essay as follows: To look for the aetiology of the neuroses exclusively in heredity 1994 paper, he reviewed nineteen empirical research surveys undertaken in the United States, which looked This act brought her fantasy made real to an abrupt end, resulting in the traumatic loss of her love

  • Reading L’Étourdit: First Turn : Chapter 1. Meaning – Relationship and Sense

    This reason is not a thing, it is a ‘place’ outside death and from this place, it can look after ( veiller Merveille is the mother who looks after the marvel of the good of all. on a reason; and one can only speak of ‘mother’ as a (47) metaphor of the place of the semblance who looks Two types of semblance are favourable to this benevolent universalization (‘particularly when what looks

  • The proximity of the other. Psychoanalysis and Levinas

    The ego comes to be But let us look at this 'before' of subjectivity. usage of speech should have created the notion of internal, mental pain and have treated the feeling of loss

  • Psychosis, Toxicomania and 'The Homeless'

    our way of working and our reasons for working with this specific group, we also need to take a brief look When the ideological differences and the mourning for the loss of the previous ideal had finally been

  • From the Lacan-Joyce Correspondence

    I am still looking to settle in Zurich where we arrived in the middle of this horrible chaos. writers who over the last hundred years have pulled 'literature' into an irreversible crisis have not looked

  • 'An-Other' Jouissance: Unmasking The 'Vamp-ire' and Marilyn Monroe

    Daphne (Jerry): Look at that. Look how she moves. It's just like Jell-0 on springs.

  • Theory, Clinic ... A Question Of Ethics?

    words, he responded by saying that he was sure enough about his origins not to have any necessity to look of this, that is, truth about the sexual relationship -this is why it leads him to religion - he is looking

  • Being, Knowing And Sexual Difference

    For students of Lacan this is a serious loss in the first place because it leaves them in the dark about Let us consider then, by way of illustration, the first stanza of the poem that Alice finds in her looking-glass imagination and intuition the question of sexual difference is as easily resolved as the decision of which loo

  • Rethinking Psychosis in the 21st Century: Brief Reflections from the Front Line

    Schizophrenia was invented and we’ve been looking for a cause of our own invention ever since.

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