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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • The Vas Difference. On Traversing the First Loop of L’Etourdit...

    The Letter, Issue 41, Summer 2009, Pages  79 - 95 The Vas Difference On Traversing the First Loop of said there are not enough for it (the state of loops said?) Just look - (l'étourdi)t - S1 is contained, quoted, represented, half-said in S2. formulae, a loop which repeats itself. If you look carefully at the drawing once more, I hope you can make out the dark outline of a loop that

  • Looking back at On a Discourse that Might not be a Semblance with L’Étourdit in Mind

    The Letter, Issue 63, Autumn 2016, Pages 69 - 82 LOOKING BACK AT ON A DISCOURSE THAT MIGHT NOT BE A

  • Addiction: Getting cl(o)ser - A real intoxication

    As Rik Loose points out in his book: We need the distance of representation.... As Loose points out: The subject of addiction is not a matter of winning; it is a matter of responsibility part of human culture and to enter the social bond means a price has to be paid, that price is the loss Loose. The Subject of Addiction. London, Karnac Books, 2002. pp. 122-127. [2] D. Evans. Loose, op.cit. pp. 264-266. [12] ibid, p. 267.

  • Libido and Toxic Substance

    The Letter, Issue 6, Spring 1996, Pages 32 - 43 LIBIDO AND TOXIC SUBSTANCE Rik Loose If writing, In 1894 Freud defines it as follows: the mechanism of anxiety neurosis is to be looked for in a deflection Loose. The Place of Cocaine in the Work of Freud.

  • The Subject of Addiction

    The Letter, Issue 25, Summer 2002, Pages 21 - 38 THE SUBJECT OF ADDICTION * Rik Loose Who will ever It is very likely that they will look for an ideal to hold onto or be dictated by. Loose. The Subject o f Addiction London, Karnac, 2002. [1] F. Nietzsche, The Gay Science [2] R. [5] Rik, I think the text of this ftnote works better in the main text. See above. [6] N.

  • Some Short Odds on Gambling: A Psychoanalytical Approach

    Letter, Issue 5, Autumn 1995, Pages 33 - 49 SOME SHORT ODDS ON GAMBLING: A PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH * Rik Loose Introduction We often consider gambling to be dangerous in the same way as drugs and alcohol: Several questions arise when we look at the addictions from a psychoanalytic perspective (which is the Before we move on, we propose to have a look at the theory of games from a psychoanalytic perspective Compulsive gamblers look to fate, as a projection of the father, to provide them with a loss in the form

  • Gambling: Pain, Pleasure and Play

    But, looking closer, it is neither his wife nor his creditors who are of interest here; it's again his In gambling we can play with the experience of loss, of uncertainty, of risks we can t control. WTiereas the pathological gambler has to suffer real losses, the normal gambler creates a sign of loss direct comparison of Freud's chess and Lacan's Bridge metaphor of control and uncertainty I owe to Rik Loose (personal communication).

  • Questions Arising from Reading Darian Leader's What is Madness?

    to practitioners: “If you don’t recognise a neurosis, if you don’t see evident signs of psychosis, look for invisible signs, look for the small clues. They looked for the noisy, attention-grabbing symptoms rather than the signs of a psychosis that was, [35] I am grateful to my colleague in the Department of Psychotherapy in Dublin Business School, Rik Loose, for providing copies of these works of Miller’s seminar from 2008

  • A Case of Hysteria?

    Rik Loose & Gerry Sullivan * Introduction In 1896 Freud proposed the theory that hysterical obsessive Masson proposed that Freud's repudiation of the seduction theory was the result of a "loss of courage A case is presented in which "the trauma of [the patient's] seduction was the result of the loss of precociously traumatic element which is made the core of repetition enactment: Was not the seduction ... but the loss In the case under consideration, we must look to the fantasy to distinguish the capacity of the client

  • A Review Of Freud's Easy Remarks On Addiction: From An Ideal To Masturbation

    Autumn 1998, Pages 65 - 86 A REVIEW OF FREUD'S EARLY REMARKS ON ADDICTION: FROM AN IDEAL TO MASTURBATION Rik Loose ' ...why isn't everyone a drinker ?' abstention from drugs and alcohol in itself will never be sufficient to cure a patient but that one needs to look

  • Addicts in recovery: Re-covery in analysis?

    comes to mind' find that the signifiers which have been passed on to them are as sticking plasters come loose dream for the first time implores her to trace a line of trajectory which combines her reactions to the loss frightening history of anxiety attacks in locations where she is the recipient of a unidirectional look Her father's disappointed look and critical words intending to wake her up to the effects of her drug had the opposite effect: when she feels exposed (in public gatherings such as meetings), her father's look

  • Issue 10: Editorial

    What then are the possible responses when in particular there is a demand from within a more or less loose love, we have a paper initially presented to the 1996 November congress of APPI by Phil McAree, who looks term, of one man when faced with his own image, ironically drawn b his own hand, Katrien Libbrecht looks

  • Anxiety: Preserving The Objet A

    He, meanwhile, is looking for a signifier that will help him to understand, but, that signifier continues In this way and in a paradoxical fashion, we are brought to the point of exactly not loosing ourselves Because the true object the neurotic is looking for is a demand, he wants the analyst to make a demand Freud reminds us in Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety that 'anxiety is the reaction to the felt loss of the Object'. [8] He, however, reminds us that we must go beyond 'this question of loss of objects

  • Courtly Love to Courtney Love - Still No Such Thing As a Sexual Relationship?

    I propose to look at the issue of courtly love and some of the theories about its significance, and to woman does not exist' and 'There is no such thing as a sexual relationship', and interpret them very loosely 'The more I look at other ladies' faces, the more it is my conviction that her beauty adorns all.' [6 conduct so that the object of his desire is always maintained at a certain distance.' [ 21] So we may look At another level however, we may perhaps look at it as a refusal to accept the passive role normally

  • We Can Remember It For You Wholesale

    and therefore implicated: if I stumble upon the truth then wasn't it because without knowing it I was looking Deckard is a bounty hunter, engaged to track down and destroy escaped androids, replicants, on the loose and looking for their Maker - literally. In addition, with the unfolding of the story in the 'looping' of memories, we witness the later story 'Look in the purchase contract you signed when you bought this conapt.'

  • Evidence–based practice and psychoanalysis: thought disorder and the dream

    My argument is that to ignore this ‘evidence base’ is a loss to psychiatry and psychiatry’s patient – The implications of this loss will be further discussed by examining the parallels between thought disorder The gap, no, the chasm, in differing comprehensions loomed large there and then. In similar fashion, psychoanalysis cuts loose from reproducibility because the working of chance is at I’m there with her in the house she’ll be leaving, standing beside her, looking out her kitchen window

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