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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • The Absence Of Anxiety: A Case Of Transvestism

    We go back to the apartment and I'm looking around. It had a Caribbean look to it but it was really filthy.

  • The Wolfman: Symptoms as a Representation of Identificatory Conflicts

    The wolves were quite white, and looked more like foxes or sheep dogs, for they had big tails like foxes The instincts for looking and for gaining knowledge (the scopophilic and epistemological instincts) are He had for that reason always looked on himself as a special child of fortune whom no ill could befall

  • Latent Freudian Thoughts Towards a Theory of Neurotic Depression: Part Two

    phantasy In search of an answer to these crucial questions let us return to Freud's case for a closer look Looking back at this scenario Freud's patient realises in her analysis that this disdaining by her father Let us finish the story of Freud's patient by looking briefly at the occasion which gave rise to the

  • Sexual Difference In The Logic Of Phantasy

    threw light on his condition was Lacan's remark that a hysteric is one who devotes his/her life to looking son and his two older sisters were playing in the paddling pool in the garden when suddenly my son looked Watching him, my six-year old eldest declared: 'Look! He's found it: the centre of the universe.' discovery of this appendage to his rapidly changing narcissistic image; his sister's awareness of his look

  • Lacanian Approach To Problems Of Affect And Anxiety In Psychoanalysis.

    One possible way of resolving this was to look to the stimulus conditions as being the constant factor But it belongs to some other content which is unknown (unconscious) and which requires to be looked is now the emergence of sadness which is related to the ability of the infant to grasp the notion of loss anxiety'. [70] Contrary to Freud, Lacan does not see anxiety as arising on the basis of a fear of loss more again as lost, and which in order that the Other should be able to locate himself requests my loss

  • L’Insu que sait de l’une-bévue s’aile à mourre. An Overview

    [Apollinaire] Love game of navels or games of the great goose Morra game of the illusory number of fingers

  • Portrait of the Artist as a Jung Man: A Cock and Bull Story

    But if we look closer we find that this is also the lowest point in the search for the father, it is

  • Irish Myth: Culture and Psychic Structure

    The women were brought into his presence and he looked intently at Eithne: he referred to her as the She went looking for her companions andcould not find them.

  • The Place And Contribution Of Handwriting In Clinical Psychoanalysis

    We will have a look at both of these aspects. Furthermore, the mother's parents had set up a contract, in which the mother would look after the daughters They only had the one daughter, who was effectively looked after by the mother: the father never had any sons to look after.

  • The Question of Orthodoxy: Clinical Reflections on the Direction of the Cure

    We should look twice before relinquishing the signifiers 'psychoanalysis' and 'psychoanalyst' to them We'll take a closer look later at how I use the term 'fiction'. She went looking for knowledge in analytic literature, searching in Melanie Klein's work for explanations But now is perhaps the time to take another look at the term 'procedure'.

  • Reading L'étourdit: The Second Turn.Chapter 2: The Discourse of the Analyst.

    From Beatrice‟s simple look, perceived when she was eight years old, Dante develops a love beyond the death of Beatrice; the o-object – Beatrice‟s look – determines the discourse and follows the journey The homophonic equivocation (nous mène/noumène) only (231) appears in effect after the event in the loop “On it analytic discourse looks less leaden- footed”: stripped of meaning, it can in effect perform its

  • Style Is The Man Himself

    Six years ago I was completely at a loss at a psychology conference being held in Venezuela. If we look into the true reference we will find the phrase used by Lacan on the back cover of his published If Robinson Crusoe responded in a psychotic way he could have looked at that footprint and immediately But if Robinson Crusoe responded in a perverse manner when looking at the footprint on the sand, he could

  • The man who sold words.

    So he looked at the old man and said, 'Here you are then, old man, twenty coins -now speak'. He looked across the valley and saw that a great torrent of water was rushing towards the inn. "This business needs looking into very carefully.

  • Jacques Lacan's Return to Freud: Woman Does Not Exist

    for the starting point of repression, he had to postulate primal repression (The Schreber case), when looking the essence of The Father, he had to invent the myth of a primal father (Totem and Taboo), and, when looking No wonder then, that when he was looking for the origin of the sexual relationship, he had to postulate

  • Anxiety, Art and Aufhebung: Sublation, Manet and Anxiety

    The combination of naked women and dressed men, combined with the frank, confrontational look of the

  • Searching for the Lost Cause. Freud’s First Steps– (Towards a Theory of Anxiety)

    activity of the patient’. [3] We also know that for Freud when the question of aetiology is raised we are looking libido as psychical desire, Freud is led to postulate that ‘the mechanism of anxiety neurosis is to be looked

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