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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • A History of the self-containing structure of the mind

    It is in this sense that Lacan looked upon madness as a necessary accompaniment to freedom, and in this In so doing, we can look to Lacanian psychoanalysis in refining and extending this ancient concept that

  • An ex-eyety: a Lacanian signifier?

    blanks within a word itself gives the word 'anxiety', in a chemical or analytic operation, a modern look as Freud observed in a footnote, that, according to Rank 'coppa' means 'orbit'), transparent in the look

  • L’Étourdit: A bilingual presentation of the Second Turn. Chapter 3: Sense and Structure

    out-of-line because at it is such a way that it is from a sphere that it is cut out, but by its double that looping there should be distinguished the ambiguity which is registered from meaning, in other words from the loop Double looping, this turn, obtains something quite different: the fall of the cause of desire whence produced the Moebian strip of the subject, this fall demonstrating it to be only ex-sistence to the double-looped A torus has a, central or circular, hole only for someone who looks at it as an object, not for someone

  • The Real Of Religion And It's Relation To Truth As Cause

    ] We have cast a glance at Lacan's theorising on science and psychoanalysis, now let us briefly look personalite. [30] In the seminar of 1962-3, Lacan argues that the meaning of causality should be looked leads to religion and if one is in possession of the truth, why be a psychoanalyst, why analyse or look Perhaps those of us who believe look to psychoanalysis for the questions to ask which is infinitely more

  • What can be done with Anxiety? Enjoyment and Acting

    Now, with Lacan, we have an enjoying substance, which looks like a third substance beside body and mind Of course we are always looking for the object at the root of our anxious fears; if we find it, it becomes With these, everything that felt and looked like a fixed substance which is impossible to move, enters

  • Psychoanalysis And Research: A Matter Of Ethics

    The purpose is to look for ... a mechanism, a structure at the core of events that can be captured to We run around in a language, so to speak, looking for something that is missing. manager for a letter of recommendation: One day I went to the manager's office and told him I was looking

  • A Few Observations Concerning A Psychoanalytical Cure Of An Adolescent

    Cherifa came looking extremely pleased, in marked contrast with the time before; and she told me how The imaginary projective identification is linked to the formation of the Ego during the looking-glass-phase does not want her suffering to be thrown back at her as by a mirror, which was why she did not want to look

  • Act And Behaviour: Pavlovian Fallacies

    Dalbiez looks to Pavlov to provide the vehicle for Freud's rehabilitation. When he looks at the basic experiment, Lacan notes that something (in this case the simple noise of a Dalbiez and Pavlov both look to science to provide the comfort of certainty by way of objectivity in


    from their birth parents and if they had to leave home, then they really wanted their parents to be looked I remember reading my first Freud paper Instincts and their Vicissitudes and looking up the word 'vicissitudes

  • Psychoanalysis And Neurosciences: A Particular Parcours. Interview With Leonard De Gier Solms

    Then it was a matter of investigating further the possible causes of this and looking into the literature At that time she was just having a look to see if it was possible for her to live there. are going to be published at last and that this was going to make an enormous difference. [5] So I looked So I looked at the bibliography and I saw to my disappointment that it was not yet out and that they I said to John Charlton that I would be very grateful if he would let me have a look at least at what

  • Freud, Lacan and Japan

    tranquillity in his empire; for if, unfortunately, he turned himself on one side or the other, or if he looked structure of the unconscious of the Japanese subject may make the prospects for psychoanalysis in Japan look him to recognize that he and his sister have been in such a tight relationship, it is because he is looking When his anxiety drove him to the analyst, he was looking for a place where he could reconfirm that this

  • The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

    because men always imagine that they are going to be able to fulfil the desires of women, and so they look at the time when he was going to speak about Freud's desire, - (a desire which we can understand by looking Let's just look at a few sentences and that will be enough. Writing is only going to try to forget it completely, since it is looking for the object of jouissance

  • "Struggling with Lacan’s L’Etourdit and Fierens’ Second Reading"

    Noticing these references in public discourse means that I had already found something of what I was looking December 2015 will deliver a lecture at the LSE on Art, Law and Crises of Connoisseurship - decried the loss

  • Foreclosure and Discordance: Is Schizophrenia Thinkable?

    This would be to forget the loss of cathexis of things among psychotics. Rather than fixing schizophrenia geometrically in the traditional supports, the loops and detours of

  • Why Not War? Dialectics Of The Will To Aggression In The Recent 'U.S.'-Led War On Iraq

    It is perhaps appropriate to begin with looking at the meaning of the word 'civilised,' of this exceptionally The result can only be a looping circular lack of resonance in the operating discourse.

  • The 21st Century Will Be Lacanian Or It Will Be Barbarian!

    to the wish to emancipate ourselves from the rigours of representation, from the pain of immediate loss Nevertheless, in looking closely at it, what is at stake is a more correct position with regard to the

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