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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Asperger's Syndrome: Some Psychoanalytical Comments

    This awareness, which is perceived as a loss of part of their own body highlights the child's sense of Similar fracturing occurred when she looked at things around her. She could only look at one small part of an object at a time. The autist who is asked for example to look at, and speak to a person simultaneously, experiences pain

  • Children In Distress: Approaches & Challenges To Psychoanalysis With Children In The School Setting

    Lacan puts it 'If the truth that we are seeking is a truth that frees, it is a truth that we will look It is a story of loss and lack - a lack in being - a lack which causes desire to arise. Eventually he began to speak about his confusion and loss through his play. became a dead father, but a father with a name and a place; play and speech brought him beyond his loss

  • Who Chose this Face for Me? Some Commodius Vicuses of Recirculation in Lacan and Joyce

    I have always looked up to your being a fitting representative of our family one that my father would Another substitution follows - rather than the son looking up to the father, John has always looked up

  • Joyce, The Castration Complex, and the Nom du Pere

    This paper will look at the relationship between Joyce and his father John Stanislaus taking into account Imago of the father: 'it polarises in both sexes the most perfect form of the ego-ideal'. [1] If one looks His writing can be looked at as a narrative of topography, he uses biblical texts and figures, and in

  • Lacan's Summary of Seminar XI

    Let us now look at these four concepts in turn and see whether we cannot in fact get some indication reversal of aim or object that Freud sees as one of the vicissitudes to which drives may be subjected - to look or be looked at, to hurt or to be hurt and so on. a paradigm, was developed in a special way, demonstrating the antinomy in it between vision and the look which we normally organise our visual world involves the masking of this dimension of being seen, the look

  • Some Remarks on William Fried's Presentation

    The arguments which you introduce sound like justifications; more to the point, in this context, they look It is not to be excluded that he was looking for the sort of protection that a woman seeks in a man. Does this not point to an object loss which is, after all, a significant effect of analysis? analysand, however, stumbles immediately over the difficulty of setting up the conditions for an object loss

  • The Meaning Of Psychoses In Lacan's Reading Of Freud

    I now would like to look at the case study that Lacan worked on for his doctoral thesis. On foot of this, the actress said, the look on this woman's face changed, she quickly took a knife from her bag and lifted the blade towards her, with a look filled with hatred. The incident didn't occur without passion: the look of 'the stranger' was filled with the fire of hatred But since every loss had to be undone, no replacement in the sense of a metaphor could develop from it

  • Tír gan Teanga, Tír gan Anam: An Irish Stew?

    throw some light on the clinical experience of hearing contemporary native Irish speakers describe the loss His indifference to the loss of the cultural heritage of the Irish language may have been due in part with the Gaelic League of which he was a founder, was not content with antiquarian laments about the loss "Tundish" returns to haunt him as he prepares for his exile: "I looked it up and find it English and

  • The Psychoanalytic Discourse Allows a Different Kind of Therapeutic Engagement in Psychosis

    permanently form the mainspring of volition’, resulting in ‘emotional dullness, failure of mental activities, loss These are some of the questions that this paper will look at within the context of the ‘profound conceptual particularly disturbed when walking down the corridor after lectures as she believed, ‘The guys are looking They seem to lift off the bed and there is a man standing at the end of my bed looking at me naked’. The phallus looms large, in at least two ways.

  • A Portrait Of The Analyst As A Crucial Problem

    If we take a look at the analyst at the moment where he leaves room to the transference itself (here sorts of love, and that we must consider it as an echte Liebe, that is a 'true love', even if it often looks usually screens the former, giving the shape of its legal existence to it, thin and frail though it may look It looks more like a question about what any truth is made of ...

  • Note On Kristeva

    nothing other than the following - the subversion of desire. [13] Social identity is initiated by the loss existing outside her, thanks to the autonomy of language. [26] In About Chinese Women, [27] Kristeva looks

  • The Klein bottle

    At the very beginning of his next seminar, The Sinthome 1975-76 , Lacan is again looking at the issue If we look at the cross-section of a Klein bottle, and bear in mind that we are now looking at a representation In addition it is also found in non-sense verse or prose, as in Alice Through the Looking Glass. The Looking Glass house which Alice wishes to enter is a universe signifying a left-right duality. The Annotated Alice: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

  • Signifying Nothing: Lacanian Theory And Tragic Form

    I should like here to look more closely at the connection established by Lacan between this moment in If one looks at some of the instances in both ancient Greek and Shakespearean tragedy where commentary That my keen knife see not the wound it makes. (1, v , 52) I am afraid to think what I have done; look As analysts working with those suspended on the high plateau of loss above the continuities of historicized

  • Was Bleuler Right? - or the Perils of Procrastination

    A more recent look at this group of patients (eight years after inception) has also shed some interesting A closer look at this sample found that the longer the patient remained untreated the higher the risk Conclusions It is only after a century that psychiatry has organized itself to be able to look at Bleuler

  • L’étourdit: First Part of the Second Turn

    obtenue a donc deux bords, ce qui suffit à lui assurer un endroit et un envers. by having made a double loop distributed over two laminas, left to one side another double loop which constitutes a second edge. is by the sliding of two laminas over one another (and moreover in both directions) that the double loop proceeding to unite to itself, after sliding one lamina of the bipartite strip over the other, the double loop edge can nevertheless be supplemented differently, namely, by a surface which, by having the double loop

  • Issue 23: Editorial

    in part a furtherance of Cormac Gallagher's overview of Foucault's History of Sexuality, (On First looking

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