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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Joyce's Nora

    in Paris, the same thing happened: each time, he left Nora in a park with the luggage and then went looking There was not only the obligation to lead a disorderly life, but also the obligation to look at him, let us say, with the eye by which he looked at himself, thus annulling the split between the eye and

  • Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: The Spelling of Marilyn Monroe

    ., the potential loss of woman/motherhood (‘the fact that I’m a woman means much to me ... for Gods sakes at me and say my name. [10] The mirror experience of being looked at even accounted for some of the On the one hand, the rupture of the union with the mother involves a loss for the child, hence a ‘lack Privately she despised being a ‘celluloid aphrodisiac,’ though she craved to be looked at. With success all around me, I can still feel her frightened eyes looking out of mine’. [29] However,

  • Freud's Schreber between Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis - Book Review

    particular, the genesis of Freud’s ideas about the aetiology of paranoia is examined, and chapter 7, which looks

  • From impossibility to inability: Lacan's theory on the four discourses

    Now, what does our discourse bag look like? Of course you can come to this conclusion by looking at the process of free association, but even normal The result of language acquisition is a loss of a primary condition called 'nature'; from the moment This desire, originating in the primary loss, has to express itself by way of a Demand, directed to the If you look at the history of science, you will see that it is essentially a hystory: science has always

  • The Big Other, Its Paradox And The Ruse Of Knowledge

    Looking at this diagram, we can see that truth and knowledge are placed on either side of what appears Other qua deserted of enjoyment that the exhibitionistic act is posited to give rise to there is the look In provoking a look from a little girl, an innocent (or God?) in psychoanalysis lends itself to every deviation, to every confusion. [49] And of the o-object look Are you part of the audience or are you looking on at the audience?

  • Of Course I'm Not A Racist ... But

    We don't have to look too far to see the growth of racism enveloping our world, but I will limit my few Let us look briefly at how this unconscious is revealed, for example, in the print media. If we look again at the United Nations Convention, we see that the human race as a family is appealed When men had began to be plentiful on the earth and daughters had been bom to them, the sons of God looking

  • Buenos Irish

    enunciation as possible is no longer sustained, to the verification of the impossibility of 'stopping the loss Already in his eighties, Borges remembered his run up against the Joycean adventure by saying: Looking

  • Freud's Scientism And It's Impact On The Analysis Of The Wolf-Man

    said he had the continual feeling that Freud was searching for something but didn't find what he was looking In this case the Wolf-man consults a whole army of dermatologists, goes back, complains, looks for yet We know the Wolf-man will remain convinced to the very end that Freud is responsible for the loss of carrying a small mirror, getting on everybody's nerves, Mac-Brunswick relates that the Wolf-man can't stop looking The scar, or cavity, or ruined shape of the nose evokes the look.

  • The Impossibility Of Desire Within Romantic Love As Revealed In A.S. Byatts Novel

    The divided subject, divided as a result of his entry into the symbolic order, looks to the Other, not It also shows the subject that 'having' the phallus requires a sacrifice or loss, and that 'being' the

  • Oscar Wilde: Aesthete and Homosexual.

    However, this did not prevent him from leaving for a distant place to look for and to find his own way However, I would just like to note that Wilde caused his own loss -he provoked it. It looked as though he was forced to accomplish a fate, which he did with an unusual persistence. He was exaggeratedly interested in appearances, in the outside look. Artistic research is looking for its own limits, - the only way to define what art is and to determine

  • The Unconscious and the Real

    Even if his approach to time is a naive one - he is looking, searching for historical facts and events our clinical work, or do not consider, is that transference is responsible for an original, originary loss In other terms, transference produces the loss of the origin. The loss of the original is another fictitious - why not?

  • Bryan Charnley - Biographical Note

    I want to look at them in conjunction with Lacan's structuralist paradigm of the psychosis and the He can only survive by clinging to these voices enabling him to elude the complete loss of reality. Looking Awry, London, MIT Press, 1995. p. 19. [8] J. Lacan (1966), op.cit, p. 174.

  • Issue 4: Editorial

    The absolute loss from which the subject appears in the Symbolic is the theme of Guy Le Gaufey's paper

  • St Teresa, Mysticism and 'That's Not It'

    Here it is where we look at the mystical position of Teresa of Avila and the texts of Bernard of Clairvaux it a revenant or transference from earlier experience, is it in the area of the repressed we should look A Second Look at Saint Bernard. Michigan, Cist. Press, 1976. p. 24. [29] op. cit. p. 15.

  • Psychoanalysis and the Future of Theory

    Being is borne forwards on a composite tide that pulls it towards the utmost loss. Lacan is in one sense outstandingly loyal to this way of looking at things, and posits a psychoanalytic Those who look into the later works of Lacan for a foretaste of this speech are far more likely to find If it is to shake off the stultifying reductionism with which it is often charged, it must look to its This search takes the form of a looking for this detail in the future...

  • On the franchissement of anxiety in Lacan's seminar X

    Now, looking back, I realise that I was afraid that overcoming my own anxieties, in my own analysis, To sum up it may be stated that the threat of complete loss of itself, as an object, by the mother's doing, is substituted by the threat of loss of the narcissistically most valued part of the subject by , for instance the loss of a narcissistic love-object. On the one hand the father loses his symbolic significance as sole 'explanation' of object-loss.

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