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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Beauty and the butcher -the desire of the hysteric and its interpretation.

    he was undoubtedly chuffed by this offer and, despite his quick retort, he went home determined to look after his figure and maintain his good looks. , and he wasn't going to be the subject of the look of any painter who presumed to interrupt his lunch 'There I was, five months pregnant, trying to look like Jean Harlow, and a front tooth gone. Looked like I didn't just care no more after that.

  • Sitting There Saying Nothing. What is Involved in the Psychoanalytic Act?

    has tried over the centuries to recuperate our original being there (in the world) and its ensuing loss There are many examples of pretending to deal with this loss ‘there is for example, looking elsewhere This loss, which is essentially a kind of death, may be reconciled with Eros because of the existence

  • Lacan And Seminar XX

    The human subject will continue throughout life to look for an imaginary wholeness’ and 'unity'. The separation is experienced by the infant as a loss of a sense of wholeness, of not being one with the mother, and a loss of the jouissance that this bond engendered. A lack or loss of something is required to set the symbolic in motion. He looks around at his intellectually gifted audience from week to week and muses ruefully as to why

  • Learning Disability: Two Writers And A Question

    Confronting a husbcind who is generally indifferent and impotent, the mother looks to doctors for a ' Thus for Maud Mannoni, what counts in analysis with feebleminded children, is to look, 'beyond what is Sinason describes her experience with clients at the Tavistock Workshop, in which trauma and loss are According to Sinason, what we are looking at here is a process of euphemism, in which a mild or vague To further advocate the use of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for mental handicap, one must look again

  • Japanese Myth, Buddhist Legend, and the Structural Analysis of Clinical Dreams

    Pray do not look upon me!" The owner of the fields caught him, but the owner was so moved to see a noble-looking monk eating so Second scene The scene changes, and the man from before, who was looking into the house, is tumbling An old man puts it into my hair for me, and when I look, I see that my hair is done all pretty like a It looks really itchy and I am kind of whacking her lightly on the back.

  • A Ring Errors

    Lacan regularly looked to developments in fields such as physics to understand something more about the Words are ambiguous, have no meaning in and of themselves, and one only has to look at the excessive So Lacan looked to mathematics, however he found that nomination and ordination had their own problems This is also interesting when one looks at computer programming and how it originates in the binary code On the one hand this can be seen as changes in his belief, or it can be looked at differently.

  • Riverrun Writing in the Anna Livia section of Finnegans Wake

    At one point things were looking grim. fast-flowing verb-driven rhythmic prose since as one can see, the Irish idioms privilege the verbal form: Look Look at the dirt of it! He has all my water black on me! In the dinkel of Luggelaw she seduces a hermit: oso sweet and so cool and so limber she looked, Nance and she laughed innocefree with her limbs aloft and a whole drove of maiden hawthorns blushing and looking

  • Issue 36: Editorial

    Adolescent symposium charting the analytic work carried out with a thirteen year old girl and in particular looking necessary to point out to the reader that this is not a complete proceedings of the congress, but that we look

  • What kind of love is this?

    His "reality" changed from that moment on, and what he calls "to go without a compass" expresses the loss He described the corporal suffering associated with this loss: "strong, mixed emotions, sadness, honor especially taking into account that ten years after his psychosis was triggered-off, he is still "looking

  • Now that I am forever with child

    addressed in a single paper, it is immediately apparent that in order to examine pregnancy one must first look at female subjectivity itself, and in doing this we must also look to female sexuality, the female position ] Social and economic motives (in accordance with the particular period of civilisation we may be looking women, a motive for rejection of the maternal function.' [ 8] In the case of the Marquesas women it looks being the essence of human life. [18] Psychology in general and psychoanalysis in particular, look

  • Narrative, Anxiety And The Temporal Factor

    It is this included lack which I would like to look at today, leaning on narrative theory rather than entire novel is an enactment of this paradox, by which narrative, spurred into motion by a necessary loss something like this gesture which specifies repression, and makes possible its particular relation to loss That moment of blinding recognition in which desire appears in the image of its loss is a first and stunning

  • The Hatred of the Father in Perversion

    in his professional life, while the other is the hidden face which doesn't reveal itself to outside looks pas-de-sens , which can be translated as 'steps of meaning', but also - since pas is a negation - as loss Nevertheless, in order to find a way out, the pervert is looking for a different kind of inscription. No loss of meaning occurs, but a rather dangerous vacuum of sense appears between S1 and Si. The pervert has to look for his own wav to inscribe a splitting, hence a difference so as to finally

  • A Clinic of the ‘Not-All’

    The Letter, Issue 53, Summer 2013, Pages 87 - 99 A CLINIC OF THE ‘NOT-ALL’ Karina Melvin This paper looks Greatly influenced by the work of Guy Le Gaufey , this paper looks to a slightly different reading of It is hoped that this presentation of the theory opens up space for another way of looking at the ‘not-all Logicians, in breaking things down to their basics, look to find a firm point from which to build an Let us now take a closer look at the universal quantifier ‘all of x’ and how, based on the theory of

  • Symptom And Anxiety

    This is important as it should prevent us from looking for equivalence between the terms or being For the moment, though, let us look at Lacan's positioning of anxiety. He casts an irritated look at her and the older woman decides that enough is enough and tells the young At the moment of the look there is an absolute identification with o. Reduced to o, rejected by the look, she leaves the stage.

  • Indirect Speech And Communication

    If we combine his algorithms of the four discourses it might look something like the following: Here The elephant looked him up and down and remarked scornfully, ' .. .and you feed yourself with that!' for another master by looking for a truth within which to accommodate this contradiction. constant questions we will take the liberty of encasing it in another question, which puts her in a loop Woman looks to the man for the Phallus. Man can only realise the Phallus through Woman.

  • Enduring Love: From Urbane Objectivity To Panicked Object

    but that before he could have realized it, it is already lost, and it is on the cusp of impossible loss Joe looks in the mirror wondering what Parry sees. I would like to look at a celebrated literary enactment of this trajectory in the hope that seeing it What I want to look at is a small speech from Shakespeare's Henry V. No, my fair cousin: If we are mark'd to die, we are enow To do our country loss; and if to live,

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