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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • To think differently: Michel Foucault and the status of psychoanalytic theory

    one thinks, and perceive differently than one perceives, is absolutely necessary if one is to go on looking other contemporary discourses - Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze - which have tended to make psychoanalysts look readers who ponder Lacan's enigmatic definition of the o-object in From an Other to the other as 'this loss Some drugs are really important for me as a mediation to the intense joys I am looking for and not On First looking into Foucault's History in THE LETTER, issue 20, Autumn, 2001. [3] M. Foucault.

  • The historical development and clinical implications of Jacques Lacan's Optical Schema.

    Virtual and real representations of the subject Let us now look at what is represented as being behind Lacan is hard put to say - an accord, a testimony, a look which by verifying the image in the mirror The look or any other aspect of the analyst's behaviour must be situated in the context of a certain He could not understand her distress and looking at her breasts said "that is a beautiful job...if I "How can he know about my life by looking at these lumps?"

  • Issue 25/26: Editorial

    We also present the work of authors writing here for the first time and look forward to a continuing A quick look at the programme for the day sees, alongside sections on Lacan's seminar, Freud's work and

  • Issue 28/29: Editorial

    Caroline Noone looks at the clinic of autism and makes the case for the value of any inclusion of the gamble; and David Slattery of DBS who continues to support the ongoing development of the publication looking

  • Issue 8: Editorial

    His article, an annex to that discussion, represents some of this 'wondering' about the lure of the look It is interesting to note that where the young man has looked for infallible proofs (of tike existence

  • Some Short Cuts To Desire

    Some months ago, in the course of a session with an analysand, I had a sense of her body looming large objet a cause of desire and which allows the subject to locate himself as the one who is doing the looking - a subject looking with desire. The anorexic is often preoccupied with her rear-view, as though in looking at the rear of her mirror-image

  • Book Review - Leader's Lacan for Beginners

    the desire of the child and of the mother, in the relation to the phallus and their negotiation of loss

  • Hyp-Knot-Ism Of The Obsessional Symptom In Analysis

    one, it prohibits the object, and on the other, it prescribes the form of the desire caused by that loss primary identification with the Name of the Father - the principle of language - logically imposes loss There is a loss of the auto-erotic object when the mirror image attracts libido away from the interior His primary symptom fixed traumatic excitement in the scopic field as a compulsion to look, and transferred His fantasy gives the illusion of knowing what sight there is to see, but in truth the looking repeats

  • The Riddle of Castration Anxiety: Lacan beyond Freud.

    separation), Freud's reaction was loud and clear: the idea of castration was to be restricted to the loss anxiety, it almost invariably appears in a fairly typical disguise, that is, instead of the feared loss of the penis, it concerns the feared loss of the eyes, Oedipus in Kolonos being a typical example. 'panic' disorders are supposed to be biologically determined, in contrast to the more psychological-looking The trouble with Freud is that he is still looking for tangible realities, while the process he is describing

  • Fír Flathemon: The Ruler’s Truth

    When he admits that he has indeed suffered loss on account of the absence of his partner and her friends a bigger effort before pointing out that the woman who had greeted his arrival is the very one he’s looking the insistent questioning by Lug, the king comes first to an admission (voiced by Briccriu) of the loss see with his mind’s eye—‘something’, namely, a self-giving reality that existed before he began to look [19] tesbuid (DIL ) ‘loss’ ‘the being lacking’ ‘the being absent’ ‘death’ or ‘lack of existence’

  • What Does Jacques Lacan See In Blaise Pascal?

    For example: transference love is illuminated by Plato's Symposium; the o-object by the look in Velasquez's quite a worldly phase of Pascal's life - his father had died and he was trying to recover from the loss In order to get a flavour of this let us look at the first paragraph of the brief treatise in which he reason if you hoard your life rather than risk it for an infinite gain, just as likely to occur as a loss because what is at stake when you approach any rule, any signifying concatenation, is an effect of loss

  • Affect: It's The Real Thing

    simple withdrawal of interest in the environment rather than being linked to any sense of sadness or loss re-instate the lost support in natural needs, to recreate a second nature' as the recompense for the loss and of the body of the Other become invested with a certain eroticism that automatically means the loss of danger; but now, since danger is so often one of castration, it appears to us as a reaction to a loss Lacan tells us that this loss is a very specific type; it is that the lack is lacking. [19] As this

  • Lacan For Beginners - Letter

    I do so with pleasure and with embarrassment: pleasure , because it is indeed gratifying to look back

  • The mOther Of All Anxiety

    This mobilizes Lacan's notion of the world as stage [3] upon which the 'look is allowable but within On the one hand, there is the quest in that look or gaze to be recognized which is the legacy of the Rather than the recognition by the mOther of the sorrow and loss that she settles for instead of the The look' insinuates itself into her own such that she sees herself with her mother's eyes and is made She worries endlessly about how she is seen by others, what they are thinking about when they look at

  • Anxiety, Time and Psychical Structure

    It inevitably distances itself from, its starting point and moves constantly alongside a loss. He experiences the loss as an extreme threat that questions the integrity of his body and triggers an Nothingness as the original thing (Ur-Sache) Only a loss can make for a beginning since only then is The radicality of the loss transfers itself onto the new and co-exists with every object-choice. Only through its negation does the object get a look in and receive recognition.

  • Aliens, This Way Please

    This is perhaps why this text carries within it so much loss, so much searching, so much that is lacking As Freud himself says elsewhere, ‘the ego does not look favourably upon psychoanalysis and obstinately about alienation. [21] For Lacan, alienation has absolutely nothing to do with the deformation, the loss When he lost his place in the I.P.A. and of course many colleagues and students he assumes this loss phantasy anymore which means that the subject now has to deal with his own lack and turn that lack and loss

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