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417 items found for "Rik loose"

  • Indirect Analysis: Lacan, Kierkegaard And Humour

    Second, I look at Kierkegaard's view of humour. Third, I compare the two in the light of analysis.

  • Desertion and disintegration in an adolescent dream odyssey

    Relating the sense of loss she felt in the dream, she declared: "I want something of my own." In our sessions we addressed the themes of loss, abandonment and separation. She could see her family looking at her in the coffin. Now she confronted the loss of her Mother, a loss she had not yet mourned. through her dream odyssey made possible the symbolisation of a subjective narrative on the Oedipal loss

  • Psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and hysteria.

    If one looks into the situation, one will always find the same answer: something has changed for the If we want to define hysteria as pathology, we have to look for the symptom, and this brings us to a Nevertheless, the analyst has to look for a symptom, more particularly, he has to look for a symptom If you look at the schematic representation of it, you'll understand why: there isn't any material to Look at Dora: she's continuously looking for knowledge in the sexual field, she consults madame K, she

  • Putting The Family In The Picture

    A look, a smile or a frown, - these elements of a photograph can take us beyond the two dimensional image both representing and mastering the anxiety that he felt about separation from his mother, we have looked He drew in windows and said, Look, these look like 'R 's'. In order to address this it is useful to look at Lacan's account, The Wolf! The Wolf! This child's relation to language and his background have resonances when looking at Adam and Kate.

  • Schreber’s Lack of Lack

    Referring to contemporary clinical examples, it argues that the world’s loss of meaning in Schreber was

  • Perversion I: Perverse Traits

    If we look at this evolution, it seems as if things have taken a turn for the better. aim of the drive: both partners want to return to a state of original whole-ness, without any lack or loss The object a is lost again through the loss of the breast, the anal products, the voice and the gaze. Whatever the choice made by the subject - be it either refusal or confirmation - the original loss will the other - always miss the point, because they operate on a level other than that of the original loss

  • High Anxiety: A theoretical and clinical challenge to psychoanalysis

    Our patients know this strangeness all too well- a young man once told me that when he looked in the mirror he was met by a look of hatred and contempt from his own reflection. The image looks back, not just as my reflection, but as a double which has its own malevolent autonomy He finds the power of the look operating once again in The psychogenesis of a case of homosexuality in The irate look had the function of demonstrating that she had become nothing in her father's eyes, of

  • Psychical Structures and Alcoholics Anonymous

    All this means that on reading the scripts one panel of judges were looking for perverse traits, a second panel of judges were looking for obsessional traits and finally a third panel, without being aware what board Lacan's declaration of the pervert exemplified by Alcibiades, the judges' task therefore involved looking signs that would indicate an obsessional structure were also presented with guidelines as to what to look

  • The Tight-Rope Walkers

    something had been kept alive from hypnosis in the new technique of free association, and a simple look its third edition (dated 1905), this essay is even attributed to 1905 in the Standard Edition, which looks There is also another way of looking at this strange abandonment of any Eigenmächtigkeit, a very modern A brief look at a simple sphere is enough to put that idea in check: there is no 'limit' of any kind In spite of the fact that this concept looks outdated for some people today, [13] I think it has to

  • An Overture And Its Vicissitudes: Therapy, Analysis Or ...?

    An awkward silence followed in which he appeared at a loss as to how to proceed. Although the prospects looked good, there were pressures from an expiring work visa on the one hand and He would look thoughtful for a while and report that he could think of nothing in particular to say although With obvious pleasure, he described looking at the faces of the men in the pictures and fantasising about and declared that he could not go on with the work of therapy because it was simply too painful to look

  • The Object of Anxiety

    Look at the invention of the zero in Indian arithmetic: here is a sign to mean that there is nothing What is the ‘something’ Jacobi is looking for a parte ante ? his search for a more adequate idea thereof, places himself, in a decisive move, on this line, and looks Is this ‘lack’ a loss or not?

  • Examining A Clinic Of The Not-All

    best as being the fault of the Oedipal father, and at worst, when it is in the maternal bond that she looks place of the Other, by showing that as a place, it doesn't hold up, that there is a fault, a hole, a loss It is not a matter of looking for an essence of femininity that would make her different from other human Freud, as we know, made the fear of loss of love the feminine equivalent of the castration anxiety for of the Other at the very moment when, just as she is about to be consumed in it, to disappear in the loss

  • Bergler's Basic Neurosis

    Nevertheless, it is because of this reference that we are looking at Bergler's thesis here today. was kept fairly busy at his work (witness his book, One Thousand Homosexuals), and in the text we are looking neurotics often use magic gestures as an aggressive reproach to the cruel pre-Oedipal mother, which mean: Look subjectivity to be found in the infant's response to the lesion to his narcissism caused during the loss But he is at a loss when describing their genesis.

  • Pre-Phobic Anxiety

    As an infant, Hans ‘had obtained this pleasure with the help of the person who had looked after him – Three Essays Freud writes ‘Children behave from an early age as though their dependence on the people looking Anxiety in children is originally nothing other than an expression of the fact that they are feeling the loss Another time he was looking on intently while his mother undressed... ‘I was only looking to see if you’d got a widdler too’ said Hans.

  • What Freud Allowed the Hysteric to Teach him

    37 - 45 WHAT FREUD ALLOWED THE HYSTERIC TO TEACH HIM [1] Stephanie Metcalfe This paper aims to look Symptom; hysteria; psychoanalysis; symbolism; transference; he hustera ‘…[T]he first to consent not to look Not surprisingly, an unwelcome question for her that would force the young woman to look at things from the Imaginary to the Symbolic via the Real In a tribute to Charcot, Freud praised his ability ‘ to look therapy that focuses on the strengthening and unification of the ego but the realisation of desire, of loss

  • Teaching Psychoanalysis: A Double Impossibility

    In order to find an answer to this question, we have to take a look at history. Thus, from the outset Freud will be looking for a method countering that impossibility, starting This identification or alienation implies both gain and loss. On the other hand, we have a loss, which is structurally determined and concerns firstly the Real, more particularly the loss-of-being, le manque-a-etre, and secondly the Symbolic, more particularly the loss

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