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Jacques Laberge


For Lacan, founding the Freudian School of Paris in 1964, the basis of a psychoanalytical institution cannot be the didactic masters, but the newcomers who are not disciples but workers participating of a cartel and producing a text, opening to the democratisation of the teaching. But the plus one as a person coordinating a cartel, an idea defended by Lacan, is systematically questioned during the important debate of 1975. The Situation of Psychoanalysis and Formation of the Analyst in 1956 is a text introducing the one plus as ‘mediation of speech’. It seems like an inspiration for the revision of the cartel in 1975. With the interventions from a great number of psychoanalysts, the plus one assumes many possible names: theme, piece of writing, signifier, matheme, minimal trace, void, rest, absence, what is said of invention, latent infinity, evanescent effect, surplus jouissance, some real. Different names that can stimulate participants to write the plus one of a new text.


Keywords: Lacan; cartel; plus one; formation of the analyst


Cartel, An Invention


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